These bins were in the Target dollar section and they REALLY were a dollar! (sometimes they sneak in some 2.50 stuff in there)

My categories:
Everyday Cleaning
Baby Wipes Stuff (for making my own)
Special Cleaning
Bug Killing
Rubber Gloves
In the back I put a turn-table that wouldn't fit anywhere else in the kitchen. It works fab here.

It holds my SPRAYPAINT! Yay! Underneath are the wood stains and small cans of paint. Ignore the ugly pipe. It was really important to me to have a place for this huge vase. It webt in first.

These labels are so people know where to put things BACK.

It's all in there! Or as my Spanish teacher used to say "Prego." (which was wierd because that's a spaghetti sauce!)
And I owe it ALL to
Here's how the boys finished up the day yesterday!
Maybe I can organize the back porch soon.

Ciao! Hasta la vista!
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