Saturday, May 21, 2011

First time for everything...

I'm doing a giveaway today, and I've never done this before. Not nearly as exciting as it sounds - for me anyway. Lot's more exciting to win. So I'm offereing for the giveaway a funky retro trim I found at our local Pennywise. I found it on some curtains. It's not all one piece unfortunately but there's rather a lot of it. I cut the faded red curtain fabric off - trust me, no loss. And there was very little fading on this trim! It's really wide. You wouldn't be getting it except it's just not in colors I use very much: red, orange, pink, green.

I love shopping at Pennywise because they sell people's old sewing patterns for a quarter and they usually have a fabric bin! Awesome! I've picked up, this year alone some red and white striped fabric (really really big stripes) that I may make piping out of because I loved the piping on ikatbag's shortall pattern. Another score (to me) was two cute polka dot cups. I also troll the sheets and pillowcases section for those bright retro florals that are getting so trendy. Which is where I found the faded red curtains that had this wonderful super-bright trim. I just can't describe how bright these colors are. There are two lengths of about 10' each. It would work beautifully on a dress (here's one to copy from Modcloth), or on a roman blind (Little Green Notebook has a neat tutorial on how to make a roman blind from a cheap mini-blind). Oh dear. Now I wish I was keeping it. (Sigh.)All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on my skirt tutorial from yesterday (USA residents only please). Be sure that I can click on your name to get back to you, or leave your address written out (for example: patthebunny(at)fictionalcharacter(d0t)com ). Then I'll randomly generate my number for whoever comments! Here's a tip. I usually average about 2 comments. So you have a much better chance of winning than usual! Please leave only one comment. I will close the give-away on Wednesday at 9pm (CST).

Bon Chance!